i like the start and i love wen the bass starts and only the start synth and kick is there.... after there its ruined.... if u changet the synths it wuld be nice cus the melody is quite good...
i like the start and i love wen the bass starts and only the start synth and kick is there.... after there its ruined.... if u changet the synths it wuld be nice cus the melody is quite good...
yeah dude i understand u
this is just a starting of the music il get rid of the second part and put a more trance sound
thanks for the honest review!!
thats seriously scary sounds you are playeng there... nice job man..!
thankx vocoder did the trick
okay song..
its acturly a good song i can hear you have done both mastrings and eq's but i think you have to take a little of the distortion.... i get the idea behimd it but its a little to much.. also i like your mellody its jusk getting a little boring cus it just keeps reapeting itself... and im not shure its hardstyle but its definatly hard.
but good song.. 4/5 and 8/10
thanx i was getting angry cause of the negativity but know that everyone says so i am going to keep working on it and take it down a notch.
its a shame you used the demo for the song cus ther is some of the details i realy like in this one but i couldent reconstruct them for ouer remake...
but nice anyway
and the nice details deservs 5/5 + 9/10
Thanks. For the review and score. But just tell me the details you want to add in the remake and we could make a remake number 3 :D
ofcurse i love the song... its a great remake...
BTW. im the friend friend who also helped with this remake^^
but anyway its a nice song..
Thanks for review, score and thanks for the help with song. It would never have been so good without your help. Thanks :D
you'r improvised song is way better that something i could have worked on for months.... thats amasing and you'r really talented with a keyboard or "piano"..
5/5 and 10/10 from me...
lol tx XD
thats to good to describe with words... i normaly dosent listen to music like this but this one is awsome.... 10/10 5/5 download...
Hey thanks!
That's what five consecutive years of advanced choir will put in your head ;)
Age 34, Male
Joined on 11/4/08