thi is pretty damn good.. just a lil too short maybe... i could see a beak there cutting into some mean DnB xD u have the same style in this track as i tried to get in one of my songs. this hits it better tho. and i ahve a break point as i mentioned.. but i cant think of a bass line for it xD well.. any way. great (but short) track
if ur up for it we could do a collab some time.
and i have to be honest to you here... i use fruityloops.. have been using a piratebayed vertion for a long time.... a month ago i unsinstalled it n installed te demo.... trying to preshure myself to buy the thing xD (its working.. getting payed in a few days so ima buy it there). im the type who think theres to little in ordinary demos so i downlaod them n try it out.. then buy it if i like it. and if i dont like it i just remove the whole thing again. but fruityloops is different. it have all the features in the demo. except for saving as edditable files. but i did like it. so much that i got addiceted really xD but its time to get the legal copy.
(tho i will mention that in the demo of FL9 u can save as a edditable file but u cant open it again before u buy it)